3Dtracking delivers an electronic solution that ensures accurate data collection and reporting to assist in improved tax compliance, using the 3Dtracking trip type and trip cost features.

In many countries around the world, tax legislation requires drivers to keep a vehicle logbook for tax substantiation purposes.  Where vehicles are used for business and personal activity, compliance requirements demand even more precise travel data records. 3Dtracking’s platform offers end-users the ability to utilise the trip type and trip cost function already available within the platform, to report on their data, for logbook purposes, and meet the requirements of their tax submissions.

Business challenges in maintaining logbooks

Automating paper-based logbooks

Paper-based handwritten logbooks are commonly in use and can be notoriously inaccurate, as drivers often keep loose papers and receipts with dates and lose or accidentally throw them away.

Ensuring accurate data recording

Relying on drivers to record trips can also result in incorrect recordings, if trips are forgotten or incorrectly reported. Human error can also play a major role in data accuracy.

Meeting storage requirements for reporting

Another major challenge relates to lost data that can arise from devices that have not been activated. Through automation, trips would be logged every time and could be stored safely until the data is required for reporting.

3Dtracking’s solution to maintaining logbooks

To deliver a digital solution that would solve the above business challenges, 3Dtracking’s partners offer their users/end clients the functionality built into 3Dtracking’s platform which records trip type and trip cost data.

Trip data collection and storage

3Dtracking’s platform enables its users to track the costs for all vehicles, with real-time reporting on trip time, length and location along with the cost per trip.  By using these trip type and trip cost features, all trip history data is securely stored on the 3Dtracking platform for easy reporting at tax time. A unique feature to 3Dtracking, is the ability to store unlimited data history, ensuring long term safe keeping of records.

Accurate data reporting

3Dtracking’s trip type and trip cost features improve accuracy in recording trip data. By using existing features on 3Dtracking’s platform and automating data collection, the challenges of handwritten travel logs is solved for drivers and businesses alike. In addition, if a trip is incorrectly recorded, 3Dtracking’s platform enables users to edit information, assign trip types to specific vehicles, draw reports as well as maintain an audit trail. This means fleet managers can ensure improved recording compliance.

Benefits of using 3Dtracking

  • Improved compliance by the driver to record logbook data
  • Accurate logbook data recording
  • Reduced manual error by driver
  • Secured data storage and unlimited data history
  • Audit trails for all data (unlimited history)
  • Drivers no longer have to fill out and submit paper records
  • Office staff no longer have to process paper records
  • Paper logbooks are no longer necessary

For further information or a free no strings attached trial of the platform contact sales@afrikat.co.za

Trip data collection and storage