3Dtracking has recently completed the integration of the new IoTLink SHADOW backup vehicle tracking device from ERM Advanced Telematics with its 3Dtracking telematics service platform.
The Shadow device from ERM is a multi-purpose recovery tracker. Shadow can be installed in any concealed location inside a vehicle and is undetectable to external scanners due to its deep sleep mode transmissions.
Shadow operates in two main usage scenarios. First, in a standalone scenario, Shadow is configured to wake up once or twice a day. Shadow discreetly transmits location and other tracking information directly to the 3Dtracking platform. In the second scenario, a Shadow device is paired through a Bluetooth connection with an ERM Starlink BLE tracker unit. In the event that the connectivity between the main Starlink tracker and the Shadow device is tampered with or fails, then the Shadow device automatically wakes up and transmits location information to the 3Dtracking platform.
The 3Dtracking platform visualizes the vehicle’s real-time location and all movements on the map. Users can access trip histories, generate pertinent location reports and review any activated geo-fence alerts directly on the platform.
Shadow can also be configured to optionally wake up and transmit location information upon accident detection.
Shadow includes a long life battery that is designed to last up to 3.5 years in the standalone scenario. It uses a low micro-Amp currency consumption modem and circuitry, which further contributes to the device’s low power consumption.
The integration of ERM’s Shadow recovery tracker with 3Dtracking platform allows Telematics Service Providers to offer new value added stolen vehicle recovery services. For Telematics Service Providers already offering recovery services, this integration adds an additional layer of security to existing efforts.
This integration can be used not only for recovery services on vehicles, but also for motorcycles, boats, equipment and nearly any tracked mobile asset that is supported by the 3Dtracking platform.
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